Monday, July 31, 2023

Your Religion is False: A True Religion at Last

We need a religion called Your Religion is False 

It would be the simplest religion ever, devoted to as few statements as possible, namely, just one. 
It would be the only religion whose name and central tenet are the same.  
It would be the only religion based on a statement that is useful. 
It would be the only religion based on a true statement.* 

*(Of course, that statement would not be true if applied to my religion, that is, to the religion known as Your Religion is False. To say that about the religion of Your Religion is False is to say something false because the denial of a true statement is always false. So, the statement on which our religion is based is true as long as it is applied to any religion except our own,  Applied to our own religion it is false.  Ours is the only true religion.)

Perhaps it should be renamed, If You Are Not of My Faith, then Your Religion is False, because that statement is not only true, it is universally true without being necessarily true.  In addition, this longer formula mocks pretty much all religion, because religion is essentially the psychological capture of an audience by a priesthood, and the usual means of capture and retention of souls involves downgrading all sources of satisfaction outside the cult.  

If I go around saying "if you are not of my faith, then your religion is false", I sound like a Christian, I mock the Christian, I humiliate the Christian.  That sort of thing might motivate some to adopt the longer name.  But I like the shorter name. 

I'm not inclined to join or lead groups, but if there was a need, I would work as the pope of Your Religion is False.  

I truly want to spout it in court (especially in Amarillo) and claim full protection for my religion under the constitution. I want to say it in Florida.  I want to say it to every lying Christofascist in the country.  I want to say it on Fox News. Your Religion is False. 

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