Friday, March 3, 2023

Ron DeSantis is a Lying Church Bigot

I am a blogger writing about Ron DeSantis.  Please sue me, Ron. I would love the chance to humiliate you and call you names on the record in a court of law. Please sue me, you little pig from church.  Everyone knows you are full of hate, we all know you want to lash out.  So do it, dirt bag, sue me.  

Ron DeSantis is a church bigot.  Ron DeSantis is a Jesus bigot.  He is a Christofascist, a mean little shit from church, whose only aim is to make everyone unhappy and miserable. Like Christofascists everywhere, Ron DeSantis hates happiness, joy, pleasure and well being.  He enjoys almost nothing (because he hates almost everything).   Like his religion, he is afraid of science, sex and women.  Like his religion, he foists all of his ill will onto science, sex and women.  The best things in the world?  Ron hates 'em.  He pretends to stand up for Western Culture, but he hates culture. And as for the US federal govt, the greatest government ever instituted on this earth, Ron hates that too.  No matter what high, rare and delicate matter you discover and revere on this earth, Ron DeSantis will try to snatch it away from you, outlaw it, or get you sued for enjoying it.  He is trying to regulate speech! He is trying to turn public institutions into promoters of his ugly, narrow version of religion. He wants to track young women's periods and movements to prevent them getting abortions out of state.  He is a sick, monstrous individual. 

I was raised Catholic, attended Catholic grade school, was an altar boy, grew up in a white suburb, and most of the people I have known in life were some kind of Christian.  I have found that I strongly prefer the type of Christian who does not lie all the time.  I also strongly prefer the kind of Christian who does not preach at me or anyone else, and who is not moralistic, and not a busybody nosing into their neighbors' affairs. I am strongly averse to the type of Christian who is preachy, pushy, abusive or deceitful.  I also strongly prefer Christians who do not repeat lies and rumors.  And I strongly prefer the kind of Christian who does not hate anyone.  The Christofascist is not my kind of Christian.  They are haters, gossips, rumor mongers, liars, abusers and moralistic busybodies who use religion and moralism to twist and manipulate others, and to gain power for themselves.  

That includes Ron DeSantis. 

He is a favorite of the hateful nazi wing of the GOP.  He is also a favorite of the hateful pro-life wing of the GOP.  He is also a favorite of the hateful anti-gay wing of the GOP.  He is also a favorite of the hateful school choice wing of the GOP.  He is also a favorite of the hateful virus and vaccine slanderers.  He is also a favorite of the hateful book banners, rights snatchers, disinformationists, and celebrators of mass shootings that are collecting themselves in the new GOP.  Liars love him, thieves love him, wife beaters love him, and pedos love him too. Ron is an offender's opportunist, a criminal's cookie with milk.  His state is a mobster's paradise, and he likes it that way.  

Essentially a mobster wanna-be in service to Trump, Rhonda Santis is trying to move from functionary to center stage with an ill advised presidential run that is just now ramping up.  I really think he will get shellacked. He is weak, does not speak well and dislikes answering questions.  It will be a disaster.  Before this is over, his crew will be calling for the arrest of people in Iowa who ask hard questions.  How dare you embarrass the great, fragile and thin-skinned Ron DeBigot? 

This cowardly, lying little dirt bag from church, this governor who wants to control all education, this dictator who has forced all teachers in his state to clear their book collections with him, this threatener of sick women and children, this finger wagging moralizer who lies all the time -- the most powerful bigot in Tallahassee deserves to be pilloried in the comics, criticized in the press and laughed at in faculty lounges and on blogs everywhere.  Laugh at him until he cries. Laugh at him until he slinks away.  

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