It is not uncommon to hear that the Republican party wins the emotional arguments while the Democratic party wins the issues arguments in American politics. As a 60 year old cynic, I will parse that by saying exactly what it means to me: the Dems talk shop while R's appeal to fear.
Yes, that is right, I am saying that the so-called emotional argument is an appeal to fear (and reassurance of those who are scared). Reagan did not get votes by talking about a shining city on a hill. He won votes by stoking fear of government, communists and welfare queens, and promised a shining city once they were dealt with.
To counter the Republican fear machine, divert the fear to something else, namely, to the GOP.
Socialism is one of the GOP's fear campaigns. Crime is another. Drugs are another. Oil shortages, inflation, tax increases, immigration, gun confiscation, bad trade deals -- all of these are things to fear and the GOP will harp on them to get votes. Fear did not keep Netanyahu in office in spite of a shooting war last week in Israel. Fear does not always win, but it wins a lot of races.
Alongside their fear campaigns, the GOP has resentment/hate campaigns. They appeal to resentment against teachers, professors, scientists, scholars, librarians, philosophers, lawyers, doctors, pharmacists, accountants, statisticians, tech heads. You name it. If its a recognizable line of profession, the GOP doles out hatred against it. They also dole out resentment against select groups of the laity: feminists, LGBTQ peeps, leftists, liberals, democrats, government workers, unions and their members, Hollywood types, bleeding hearts, environmentalists, and do gooders of all variety.
To answer the resentment campaigns, liberals and Dems need to refocus the resentment onto our enemies.
But I am here to talk about fear. What the Dems need are a set of fears to discuss relating to the GOP. I have produced a short list of things that everyone should fear in the GOP.
1. They will force their religion on us all. There was a bill in the AZ house last year that would have forced everyone to attend church. That is the kind of thing the GOP stands for.
2. They will outlaw abortion and contraception.
3. They will outlaw alcohol.
4. They will outlaw pornography.
5. They will outlaw stip shows, and censor Broadway and Las Vegas.
6. They will force students to pray out loud in public schools.
7. They will force public schools to teach religion.
8. They will outlaw marijuana nationwide
9. They will outlaw any and all criticism of (their ugly, stupid) religion. (Blasphemy laws)
10. They will create an ethno-state, with a class based society where Protestants are on top
11. They will start religious wars
12. They will censor musical lyrics
13. They will ban all religions except Christianity and Judaism (just like ancient Rome)
14. They will ban women from the military, police, fire and medical fields
15. They will force religion into professional sports broadcasts
16. They will censor the libraries. No more reading Nietzsche's Antichrist. No more Thomas Payne.
17. They will outlaw LGBTQ everything they can
18. They will outlaw discussions of history that they do not approve
19. They will outlaw having an opinion of the behavior of powerful people
20. They will outlaw public protests and demonstrations
21. They will impose English as an official language
22 They will outlaw gay marriage and unmarry the gays nationwide